Shropshire Star

School near Bridgnorth celebrates 85th anniversary - in pictures

A primary school near Bridgnorth has returned to its roots to celebrate 85 years since it welcomed its first pupil.

Husband and wife Sheila, 83, and Trevor Jones, 82, with Isabelle Mathews, seven, and Charlie Wheldon, nine

Alveley Primary School was full of both past and present students young and old on Tuesday during a day that saw the school's history unearthed.

The event was put on in collaboration with the village's historical society and also saw past teachers return to the premises down Daddlebrook Road, which opened in 1934.

In the 1950s: Cathy Curzon, aged 76, (pictured third row, fourth from right) with her sister Pru Eite, 74 (pictured third row, second from right)

Catherine Coleman, assistant headteacher, said the focus for the day was involving pupils in their community and learning about the lives of those before them.

She said: "All day children did special activities to find out about the school and commemorate its birthday and from 2.30pm, we invited members of the public who once attended the school to join in the celebration.

Cathy Curzon, left, with her sister, Pru Eite

"Alveley Historical Society have been a huge help in providing us with old photographs and lots of information. They also helped us to spread the word and attract past staff and students."

Children also created a personal time capsule that was sealed with a note to be opened in 20 years time.

Ex-pupils Bob Painter, Bill Scriven and Lynn Painter

"The children filled the capsules with items they treasure and feel will be important to them to rediscover in the future," Miss Coleman said.

"All sorts of things went inside and they thought really hard about what might be different when they come to open them.

Former pupil Bob Painter, now 72, centre, in 1955

"They made mini scrolls which won't be seen until some of the pupils have children of their own."

Other activities throughout the day included a guided treasure hunt using historical pictures and clues that explained the relation between each photograph to the school, and the creation of a mosaic of the school logo from 1934 to 2019.

Former pupil Margaret Clayton

Members of the historical society also gave talks, answered questions about their time at school and worked with students to delve into the school's uncovered history.

Miss Coleman added: "The whole day was truly fantastic. The event was about children becoming part of their community and that's what happened. I think they've created nice links with the historical society in particular and ones that I'm sure can be used in the future."