Shropshire Star

New Shropshire Council strategy bids to stop alcohol misuse

Plans to strike a balance between tackling alcohol misuse and creating a thriving night-time economy have been drawn up by Shropshire Council.


The Shropshire Community Safety Partnership is looking for views on how the misuse of alcohol should be tackled locally through the latest strategy.

The strategy, which will run until 2019, aims to use a number of council partners to promote sensible drinking and create environments where "rowdy and drunken behaviour" is not seen as acceptable.

In a statement from Shropshire Council, it said: "Alcohol, as part of our culture is used to relax, socialise, celebrate or commiserate key life events, when drinking sensibly the harms associated with alcohol is low.

"Once people start to increase the amounts and frequency of their drinking the detrimental effects of alcohol can be exposed either through poor relationships, ill health, work as well as crime and anti-social behaviour.

"To tackle the harms associated with alcohol misuse, the approach we are taking is to reduce problematic drinking behaviour, including reducing the early onset of drinking in young people, whilst working with business to ensure the day and night-time economy flourishes.

"This can only be achieved by businesses, local health, social care and criminal justice agencies working together. We also want to help people to make informed choices about their own drinking choices by understanding the damage long-term regular and excessive drinking can have on their health."

Striking the balance between having a late-night economy and alcohol misuse has caused debate in Shrewsbury with some fearing longer opening hours will have a negative effect on town residents. However, licensees say they are being forced to follow drinking trends, with many young people going out later having "pre-loaded" with drink at home.

With its new strategy, Shropshire Council says it will help promote sensible drinking by using national campaigns as well as working with businesses to create an off and on licensed trade supporting a "sensible approach" to sale of alcohol.

The strategy is available to view and comment on at Shropshire Council's website

by August 22. Anyone with questions regarding the strategy please contact Gavin Hogarth by e-mail at