Shropshire Star

Council to look to build new homes outside Telford

Telford & Wrekin Council's housing company will now look to build outside the borough and on third party land in a bid to increase its income.

The Oaklands NuPlace development in Dawley

NuPlace is already making £274,000 of clear profit for the council.

But its cabinet members agreed to extend its work to generate even more money for the authority, which they say will go to protecting frontline services

Councillor Lee Carter, cabinet member for finance, said the new plan would allow NuPlace to diversify.

He added: "Not only is this of benefit to the residents who are moving into the houses, it is also creating a return for the council."

The scheme was set up two years ago to develop 20 acres of brownfield site, owned by the council, on which developers had been reluctant to build.

Councillor Carter said that by providing housing for residents, and 34 jobs for those working to build the homes, NuPlace has injected £77.7 million into the local economy.

Currently it has completed 136 homes, which are already inhabited, and is on site at 154 more homes, the majority of which have already been pre-let.

In the future, the council hopes to raise the number of houses to 500 in the borough, but will now look to build on sites outside of Telford & Wrekin, and sites not owned by the council.

Councillor Bill Tomlinson, Liberal Democrat leader, said: "It seems to be ticking over well.

"It has a wonderful social benefit."

Councillor Richard Overton, cabinet member for housing, said: "It is something positive for the town."

Referencing the opposition Conservative party's alternative budget, in which it suggested selling off the scheme, council leader, Shaun Davies, said: "We say this is 500 homes, but what that means is 500 families.

"Those who would willy-nilly sell this off to the highest bidder are causing unnecessary stress to those families who face going back to private landlords."