Call for full review of Powys County Council chairman's expenses
A politician has called for a full review of the expenses allowed for the role of chairman of Powys County Council.

It comes after a row over the authority's decision to buy a new Audi A6 for chairman Dai Davies, county councillor for Berriew.
Plaid Cymru said the car had cost the council £37,000 and it was unacceptable to purchase the vehicle while the authority is under financial pressure.
However, the council has hit back, saying that after resale following 20,000 miles, it will have cost the council less than £3,000.
Now Montgomeryshire Assembly Member Russell George has called for all expenses associated with the role of chairman to come under review.
Conservative Councillor Gwilym Williams has proposed a motion to refer the decision to purchase the car to the council's democratic services committee and to review the future role of the chairman and all civic duties.
Mr George said: "The way in which the chairman’s car is purchased or leased should be subject to scrutiny and all expenses associated with the role should be fully transparent.
“It is clearly correct that the chairman makes official visits and undertakes civic duties across the county, but it’s also appropriate that the role and all expenses that come with the role should be examined so that the position commands public confidence.
“The role of the chairman is of course a matter for Powys County Councillors, but given the huge concern about the purchase of the new vehicle, I was pleased that the motion put forward by the Welsh Conservative councillor for Disserth and Trecoed, Councillor Gwilym Williams, was supported by the full council.
“I think there will be a great deal of public interest in the committee that is going to examine this in detail.”
Following Plaid Cymru's claims over the cost of the vehicle, Council Leader Councillor Rosemarie Harris dismissed the suggestion as wrong, and said the chairman has a physical disability which had necessitated the new vehicle.
She said: "The role of chairman of Powys County Council requires a car to carry out civic duties effectively. The current chairman has a physical disability which means he needs an automatic car, something that was not available on the previous vehicle.
“The council investigated a number of financial options including annual hire, lease and purchase, with outright purchase taken up because it was the most cost-effective and provided the best value for money for the authority.
“Our research showed that the total cost of providing an Audi A6 after taking into account resale was £2,592 compared to £6,475 lease costs for the same model Skoda Superb used in the past. The full cost to the council of paying mileage to the chairman would have been £7,000 if he had travelled 20,000 miles – an average distance for the post.
“When investigating the financial viability of any project the council has a duty to compare full-term costs to ensure value for money.”