Shropshire Star

Mid Wales growth deal announcement welcomed

An announcement by the chancellor that the UK government will be open to proposals for a Mid Wales growth deal has been welcomed.

Philip Hammond

Philip Hammond gave his Budget on Wednesday and set out plans to build a Welsh economy that is fit for the future.

As part of his speech he said he would be open to proposals for a growth deal in Mid Wales, something that assembly member for Montgomeryshire Russell George has long been pushing for.

He believes the central area of Wales should benefit from a deal much like the north and south have.

Mr George said: "I am delighted the chancellor has made a commitment to a Mid Wales Growth Deal.

"I’m hopeful that the Welsh Government will follow with a commitment also in the coming weeks. We need both the Welsh and the UK Governments working together on this.

"This is something which I have been calling for over many months and I'm pleased that the issue has now been given national prominence.

"Cardiff and Swansea are set to have city deals and there are plans afoot for a similar arrangement in North Wales.

"As a result, all of these regions will see money invested in better transport links, better broadband connectivity as well as other programmes designed to boost innovation, create employment and raise living standards. Mid Wales deserves the same kind of investment."

Powys County Council leader Rosemarie Harries has also welcomed the news.

She insisted the local authority will do all they can to work with the government to ensure a growth deal is delivered.

The Leader of Powys County Council has welcomed the Chancellor’s commitment to a Mid Wales Growth Deal.

During the Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond set out plans to build a Welsh economy that is fit for the future.

As part of his speech, the Chancellor announced that the UK government is open to proposals for a Mid Wales Growth Deal.

She said: "Growth deals have the potential to re-shape the economic development of a region so I welcome the Chancellor’s commitment to a growth deal for Mid Wales.

“Any growth deal for Mid Wales could improve the transport infrastructure, digital connectivity and help to develop new job opportunities for the region. This would be of huge benefit to Powys and to Wales as a whole.

“We want to develop a thriving economy in Powys and a growth deal for Mid Wales will help us to achieve that.

“With Cardiff and Swansea having their city deals in place while North Wales are closer to having a growth deal, it is only fair that Mid Wales has the same kind of commitment and investment

“We will do everything we can to ensure that this happens for Mid Wales and will work with the UK Government, Welsh Government and the business sector to make this a reality.”