No lids for plastics recycling boxes - despite plea following windy Shropshire weather
No lids will be provided for plastics recycling boxes despite concerns that their contents are littering the landscape on windy collection days.

Shropshire Council has instead advised householders to stack their other boxes on top of the plastics to keep them secure.
Heather Kidd, Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen, said: "Following on from the recent outcry in the media over plastic in the oceans following Blue Planet II, a number of colleagues and I have received a growing number of complaints about the way that Shropshire Council collects plastic waste for recycling.
"Other councils provide some form of cover for the plastic box - either a lid or a net as in Powys - to prevent plastic items blowing away, but not Shropshire. If you have and sort of breeze on collection day it results is plastic being blown all over the place.
"I've had a number of complaints from across my Division and I know my colleague Cllr Roger Evans, Councillor for Hanwood Division has had more. Residents in places on hillsides like Snailbeach have been particularly affected given the stronger winds experienced up there. This is then not recycling - it is littering our countryside."
Councillor Kidd took the issue up with the council but was not impressed with the stacking solution, saying it would not solve the problem.
"The only response I have received so far is the suggestion that residents place glass in the top box to weigh the plastic down. This is not good enough.
"Surely it makes far more financial and environmental sense to provide residents with inexpensive box covers to avert this mess where it is needed.
"We know that hedgehogs are declining in numbers and plastics can take a role in their reduction. Other mammals can be seriously effected too."
Councillor Kidd has written to council officers asking what the costs of providing lids would be, and how much it currently costs the council to clear up plastic litter from the countryside. She also plans to take the matter to the council's scrutiny panel.
In the meantime she is urging residents to write to the cabinet if they share these concerns.
Robert Macey, cabinet member responsible for waste management, said: "Though we understand the arguments in favour we don't provide nets and lids for recycling boxes for two main reasons. Firstly they need to be removed before the boxes can be emptied, creating difficulties for the collection crews. Secondly, they often end up being blown away, meaning they become part of the problem.
"However, to help prevent the contents blowing away we suggest stacking the boxes with the heavier items - mainly glass - at the top, and placing the blue bag on top of the boxes.
"It’s worth noting that in most parts of the county lids have never been available and we rarely get enquiries about them."