Powys County Council £3 million off its savings target
More than £3 million worth of savings are yet to be found as part of Powys County Council's financial plan.

A report going before the council's cabinet on Thursday from finance portfolio holder Councillor Aled Davies, is outlining an overspend of £751,000 as of January 31.
That figure excludes the housing revenue account and delegated schools, and Councillor Davies states it is largely down to non-delivery of savings targets.
However he insists improvements are being made.
Councillor Davies said: "There has been limited improvement in recent months and it is of concern that savings delivery is becoming increasingly difficult."
Efficiency savings showed a target of £11.78 million, and during the month up to January 31, £602,000 worth of savings across the council had been achieved.
These savings have seen £336,000 from highways and recycling, and £226,000 from adult social care, however other unachieved savings remain the same.
To date, 66 per cent of the savings have been made, £7.779 million, with £3.981 million yet to be attained.
The adult social care budget is set for an overspend and councillor Davies said: "The forecast position has improved by £552k from December and the Service is no longer RAG status red. This has been achieved through the delivery of additional savings from reablement and right sizing of packages and the maximisation of grant monies."
Another budget also set to run over is the troubled children's services.
Councillor Davies, who is also the deputy leader, added: "The forecast overspend for children's services has increased by £178,000 to that reported at the end of December, mainly due to additional agency required to increase capacity, to enable delivery of the children's improvement plan.
"Finance have been working with the service to fully cost this plan, cross referencing the spend requirements to the recommendations and outcomes in the Improvement Plan. It is likely there will be further costs that are not yet included in the forecast.
The individual schools delegated budgets are forecasting a deficit reserves balance at March 31 of £1.6m.
Another deficit recovery plan is being put in place, and an improved forecast within place and adult social care has reduced the overspend and the need to draw £1 million from reserves.
The council are set to note the report, and implement the recovery plan.