Shropshire Star

'I'm very concerned about what he's doing': Shropshire MPs hit out at Lord Adonis

Shropshire's MPs have hit out at anti-Brexit peer Lord Adonis after he challenged them over whether they would vote for a no-deal Brexit.


Speaking ahead of a talk on Brexit and the so-called People's Vote in Shrewsbury this week, Lord Adonis challenged Shropshire's five MPs over whether they would vote to depart the European Union were no deal agreed.

He said: "Would Shropshire's MPs vote for a no-deal?"

Shropshire's MPs criticised the peer over his talk, and his agitating for a referendum over the final deal.

Speakingin Shropshire Weekly magazine, Shrewsbury MP Daniel Kawczynski said: "The people in my constituency voted for Brexit and the vast majority of those people expect that what they voted for would be carried out.

"I'm very concerned about what Lord Adonis is doing."

North Shropshire MP Owen Paterson, disagreed with the description of a "no-deal Brexit", and said it was actually a deal that would see Britain leave the union on World Trade Organisation terms, giving the country additional control over laws and regulations.

Lord Adonis

Lucy Allan said that she would vote against any deal that was "not in the national interest", and Wrekin MP Mark Pritchard added that he was "not answerable" to Lord Adonis, who should "ask Jeremy Corbyn the question first – not Tory MPs."

Lord Adonis will be speaking at University Centre Shrewsbury on Friday ((((September 14)))), when he will set out the case for a national vote over whether to accept the terms upon which the UK will depart the European Union.

*To read the full interview with Lord Adonis, and for our MPs' responses in full, see this week's Shropshire Weekly magazine, which is in shops and available via subscription now.