Shropshire Star

Councillor's activities now seen online

Residents in Powys can now view reports on their local councillor's activities online.

Last updated
County Hall, Powys County Council headquarters

Annual reports for 2017 to 2018 produced by individual councillors can be found on their individual web pages on Powys County Council’s website.

The reports are designed to give a snapshot of a councillor’s activities over the last year including membership of committees and attendances, issues taken up on behalf of constituents, development sessions attended and other activities.

The reports were first introduced in 2012 to 2013 as part of a Welsh Government initiative to strengthen local democracy.

Writing annual reports is optional, however, those councillors who do not write a full report, have a less detailed report agreed with them, which will give details of membership of committees and attendances and development sessions attended.

Chair of the council’s democratic services committee, councillor Matthew Dorrance said: “Annual reports give residents an insight into the work carried out by councillors in representing their constituents.

"The idea is to promote greater understanding of the councillor’s role, greater transparency and greater accountability.”

If a member of the public wants to comment on a report they can contact the councillor concerned.