Shropshire Star

Telford LED street lights project is 80 per cent complete

Plans to convert 20,000 street lights in Telford & Wrekin to LED is nearing completion.

An LED street light

Telford & Wrekin Council began the scheme to upgrade all council-owned street lights to new LEDs as part of its Pride in Our Community programme in May 2017.

As well as street lights, it has upgraded around 1,500 illuminated signs and bollards.

This week crews completed the upgrade on the 16,000th street light, which means the scheme is now 80 per cent complete. All LEDs are on schedule to be completed by April next year.

By April 2019, the council will have achieved savings for taxpayers of £420,000 per year.

Councillor Hilda Rhodes, Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet member for roads, said: "This has been an ambitious programme to improve the lighting in our residential areas, major roads and town centres. Feedback from residents has been really positive, with many saying how much better the quality of light is and how much safer they feel.

“People have also praised the work of our contractors who have done their utmost to keep disruption to a minimum. The added financial and environmental benefits for the borough speak for themselves.”

The council’s Pride in Our Community programme is this year investing £7.5m in delivering 340 schemes across the borough.