Shropshire Star

European Union like Nazi Germany, says Corbyn brother

The brother of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has described the European Union as the 'Fourth Reich', and compared Theresa May to a French Nazi collaborator.


Piers Corbyn, who grew up with his younger brother in Pave Lane, near Newport, made the astonishing claim on Twitter.

Calling for Britain to quit the European Union without a deal, Mr Corbyn said all traces of the EU must be removed when Britain is due to leave on March 29, and the Royal Navy must seize Britain's fishing waters.

He criticised Mrs May's draft Brexit plan, likening the prime minister to Marshal Philippe Petain, who became head of state of Vichy France during the Second World War after signing a truce with Hitler.

Mr Corbyn wrote: "EU equals the Fourth Reich. The only way is No Deal Brexit.

"On March 29, 2019, all vestiges – flags, symbols, anything of EU in UK – must be destroyed.

"HM Royal Navy must seize back our fishing waters and 'remainis' MPs forced to resign.

"Theresa May is worse than Marshall Petain of Vichy France."

Marshal Petain fled to Germany following the Allied invasion in 1944, but returned to France the following year when he was charged with treason.

He was sentenced to death, but that was later commuted to life in prison on the grounds of his age and his military record in the First World War.