Shropshire Star

Special service for Shropshire Council stalwart David Lloyd

A farewell to former Shropshire Council stalwart David Lloyd saw civic heads join charity and business leader and his family in a poignant service of thanksgiving.

David Lloyd and one of his four sons, Mark, when David was give a lifetime achievemet award by Oswestry Town Council last year

Mr Lloyd spent over half a century in local government and was deeply involved in regional health and national agricultural matters.

Aged 86 he was still a member of Selattyn and Gobowen Parish Council when he died last month and only stood down as a Shropshire Council councillor last year.

A service at St Oswald’s Parish Church in Oswestry yesterday heard that he was also a wonderful father, grandfather and great grandfather.

The Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire and north Shropshire MP, Owen Paterson, were among those who attended the service.

Mr Lloyd’s son, Mark, said he had been a wonderful father to his four sons and had loved been a grandfather and great grandfather.

He and their mother, Joan, had 52 years of marriage before her death, he said.

“He had an amazing ability to communicate with people and make a difference to his family and to the wider community.”

Agricultural journalist, Mike Arnold and long-term political ally Betty Gull, also paid tributes at the service.

Mr Arnold said: “He had a wonderful talent for getting to know people quickly and did not just observe, he liked to get into the middle of things and make things happen.”

Miss Gull said revealed that they had been deeply involved in setting up the Oswestry and Borderlands Tourism Association.

He was also a lifelong member of the Rotary Club, a churchwarden and chairman of the Parochial Church Council of All Saint’s Church, Gobowen.