£500,000 loan plan to boost Wellington town centre wins backing

More than 110 people have backed plans for Wellington to apply for a £500,000 loan to invest in property.


Wellington Town Council is looking to use the money as part of its plans to regenerate the town centre.

A consultation which has had more than 110 responses is currently being held to see whether the council has the backing of residents to apply for the money from the Government.

The Wellington Regeneration Board, made up of a cross party group of town councillors, council officers and Telford & Wrekin councillors, has met regularly to push plans through seen in the Wellington Vision 2020 report.


Initiatives so far have included a £150,000 grant used to establish a new cinema and community facility in the former HSBC Bank, empty property and shop front improvement grants being used to renovate town centre properties, the refurbishment of Lychgate and Parish Church and the Young Persons High Street Challenge.

A new digital notice board in The Square has also been installed and is set to feature upcoming events in the town, showing a number of promotional videos.


Wellington Councillor Lee Carter, who represents College Ward, said: "We've been working hard helping initiate the regeneration of Wellington Town Centre.

"We're trying to reverse a national decline in High Streets which has been ongoing for more than two decades, but we're determined and making good progress with more exciting developments to come.

"Some of the work has included a Young Persons High Street Challenge which involved young people from local schools coming up with ideas for what they would like to see in High Street, and an Empty Property Grant Scheme and Shop Front Improvement Scheme to incentivise new businesses to move into the centre of the town.

"We've also seen huge investment into the upgrade of LED lights in the town and the refurbishment of the Lychgate and Parish Church."

Councillor Carter added: "We've also consulted on the town council investing £500,000 in property in the town entre and are looking to bring partners together in the town to explore any other funding opportunities available including taking advantage of Wellington's share of the £1 million extension to the Pride in Your High Street Fund announced by Telford & Wrekin Council.

"All in all, there's a lot going on with lots of tangible outcomes hopefully to be seen soon."

To respond to the town's consultation on applying for the loan, contact the council by March 1 using the online survey on the council's website, wellington-shropshire.gov.uk, emailing wellingontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk or by letter to the council offices on Larkin Way.