Anger as Shropshire Council blocks move to make planning decisions more transparent
A councillor has attacked Shropshire Council for blocking a motion that she believes would have made planning decisions across the region more open and transparent.

Heather Kidd, Liberal Democrat councillor for Chirbury and Worthen wanted a new process in place to make planning decisions more open.
The motion included that if an application was objected to or supported by a local member and a local council, it should be referred to the committee if it differs from the recommendation.
It said call-ins by members should be formally recorded, and where a local council and member disagree, officers must give five working days to the local member before the application is considered by the chair of vice chair of the committee, to allow comment.
Another part of the motion was that notes on the decision should be sent to the local member.
Councillor Kidd said the Tory led group had no defence for rejecting her motion.
She said: "This was pure tribalism on the part of the ruling Conservative group.
"One of the biggest complaints voiced by residents at the moment is the secretive, inconsistent manner in which Shropshire Council deals with planning applications. People, parish councils and councillors alike are incensed that there is no effective way to have an input into the planning process
“My motion would have addressed these issues and helped heal the fractured relationship between parish councils and the county.
“It was seconded by Councillor David Vasmer and supported by members of all parties bar the ruling conservatives.
"They didn’t say a thing. They offered no alternative view, just voted on block against the motion.
"They simply had no defence and just hid their embarrassment. It was like something from an authoritarian state."