Shropshire Star

Anger from Shropshire MPs as May hints at Brexit delay amid talks with Corbyn

Shropshire Brexiteer MP Daniel Kawczynski says he is “very concerned” about Jeremy Corbyn’s role in the Brexit negotiations, and also warned that any agreement which involved signing up to a customs union with the EU would be a disaster.

Theresa May speaking from Downing Street last night

Mr Kawczynski, MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, also accused MPs Sir Oliver Letwin and Yvette Cooper of mounting a coup over their attempts to seize control of the Brexit process.

The Prime Minister will meet Jeremy Corbyn to put together a Brexit plan as she admitted the country’s EU departure faced a further delay.

Theresa May last night said she would seek a second short extension to Article 50, which could mean Britain does not leave the EU until May 22. This would allow her time for talks with Labour leader Mr Corbyn, she said.


She said she hoped to agree a way forward with Mr Corbyn on Britain’s future with the EU. Appearing to rule out leaving without a deal, Mrs May said if agreement could not be reached with Labour than a series of votes would be held in the Commons to determine the way forward.

Mr Kawczynski said only the Prime Minister’s withdrawal agreement, or a so-called ‘no deal’ Brexit would deliver the wishes of the British people.

He said remain-supporting MPs were using every device at their disposal to thwart the will of the British people.

Mr Kawczynski said people wanted Brexit resolved quickly so that they could get on with their lives.

But he said fanatical remainers were creating chaos with their attempts to block Brexit. “These megalomaniacs are getting out of control,” he said.

“They are causing huge disruption to the ratification of the Brexit process, they are going against the wishes of the British people. I very much hope they will pay the price at the next General Election. I think what they are doing is wrong, it is flawed and it is undemocratic. They are mounting a coup, that is what they are doing.”

North Shropshire MP Owen Paterson said any further delay to Brexit would be totally unacceptable and that he was "completely astonished" by Mrs May's announcement on talks with Mr Corbyn.

He tweeted: ".@theresa_may must maintain the current legal position to take the UK out of the EU on 12th April, honouring the Referendum result and the @Conservatives Manifesto commitments. It is deeply unwise to go against them in favour of Jeremy Corbyn."

Mr Paterson said any deal which saw Britain tied into a customs union or subject to EU law would be totally unacceptable.

He said it was crucial Britain left on Friday next week.

Mark Pritchard, MP for The Wrekin, said none of the indicative votes which took place on Monday would deliver Brexit.

“In their different ways they all seek to delay, dither or dodge Brexit,” he said.

“None take back control of our laws, borders, and money.”

Telford MP Lucy Allan warned that if the Prime Minister’s agreement could not pass through Parliament, then Brexit could be at risk.

Sir Oliver and Miss Cooper will attempt to pass a law which would prevent Britain leaving the EU without a deal.

The move comes after a series of indicative votes failed to come up with a majority for any alternative proposals. Another series of votes are planned for Monday, but it remains to be seen whether these will go ahead.

Mr Paterson said it was a misnomer to describe leaving on World Trade Organisation terms as ‘no deal’. Several agreements had already been reached to ensure a smooth transition, he said. “In reality, we are talking about having no withdrawal agreement, but a series of pragmatic mini-deals while trading within WTO rules. That is now the only option to the Prime Minister, it is the only way she can honour the result of the referendum. We must leave the EU on April 12.”