Shropshire Star

Owen Paterson MP in Brussels talks over Brexit plan

North Shropshire MP Owen Paterson attended a crunch meeting with EU leaders in Brussels in a bid to forge an alternative Brexit route.

Owen Paterson, second left, with EU leaders

The MP met with the bloc's chief negotiator Michel Barnier to look at "alternative arrangements" over the Irish backstop – one of the key issues preventing many MPs from backing Theresa May's Brexit plan.

Mr Paterson, who was part of a delegation that also included DUP leader Arlene Foster and former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith, described the talks as "robust but constructive".

Mrs Foster said: "It is important that Brussels understands why unionism rejects the Withdrawal Agreement. A new barrier between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK is unacceptable.

"We want a deal which respects the referendum result and protects the Union."

It came as the Prime Minister announced that the UK's departure from the EU would be delayed until October 31.