Shropshire Star

Powys council car parking increases to save authority £280,000

Prices in pay and display car parks across Powys are set to rise as the authority looks to make  £200,000 savings.


The price for parking a car in a Powys County Council car park will go up  by 80p from £3.20 to £4, for people who park for over four hours.

But regular users of car parks could make a saving if they are willing to pay £370 for an annual ticket to use the authority’s car parks.

The ticket prices are set to be frozen to encourage this.

Cabinet member for Highways, Recycling and Assets, Councillor Phyl Davies, made the decision using delegated powers and has started the process to make the changes.

Councillor Davies said: “Providing safe and convenient parking is vital to the economy of Powys, ensuring that our towns remain easily accessible for people who choose to drive."

This was the first option on a list of six which were looked at by the council.

It is expected that the implementation of this option will actually generate a saving of £280,000.

According the the report this will mostly offset the £100,000 that it costs the council to allows Blue Badge holders free parking.

The report says: “Permits are available for regular users of car parks. Predominantly these will be people who work in a town and travel by car.

“The current permit was linked to full day tariff and offered a 50 per-cent discount on a worker working five days per week for 46 weeks of the year.

“Instead of altering the cost of a permit to reflect the revised charging, it is proposed to maintain the existing charges for permits.

“This will in effect provide a greater reduction for the worker working full time.

“Freezing the permit prices makes them even more economical, with the potential to offer a substantial 60 per-cent discount on parking for a regular user and equates to an equivalent of paying just £1.61 per day.

“The annual cost of £370, when compared to the daily charge, will be beneficial to someone who on average parks two days per week in a pay and display car park.”

Bigger vehicles that take up to two spaces will be expected to pay double the price.

The new car park costs are set to be:

Short stay:

Car/Motorcycle/Goods Vehicle up to Three tonnes

  • Up to one hour = £1

  • One  to two hours = £2

Long stay

Car/Motorcycle/Goods Vehicle up to three tonnes

  • Up to 1hour = £1

  • One to two hours = £2

  • Two to four hours = £3

  • Over four hours = £4

Vehicle + Trailer/Goods Vehicles over three tonnes/Motorhome/Bus

  • Up to one hour = £2

  • One to two hours = £4

  • Two to four hours = £6

  • Over four hours = £8