Shropshire Star

Council staff stress absences increase

More Powys County Council staff are on stress related leave on absence than two years ago.


Figures found by the Conservative Party through Freedom of Information requests throughout Wales reveal that the figures are up by 18 per cent.

Powys County Council (PCC) comes right in the middle of the 22 local authorities, with an 11.6 per-cent increase from 2016/17 to 2018/19.

Out of a staff of over 5,500, 347 have been ill with stress this year.

In 2016/17 the numbers were 311 and for 2017/18 the figures dipped down to 286.

The biggest increase came in Merthyr Tydfil where absences more than tripled from 105 to 318 and Ceredigion saw a rise from 72 to 132.

Cabinet Member for HR, Councillor James Evans said: “The county council takes the health and well-being of staff extremely seriously and provides a range of support to mitigate work related stress, which is recognised as the main cause of absence.

“Staff are being put under more and more pressure from the significant funding cuts from the Welsh Liberal/Labour Government.

“The council has provided specific training and counselling support and has a new employee self-referral programme providing telephone, internet or face-to-face support, as well as a number of initiatives on mental health and physical well-being.”

"Last week PCC launched ‘Care First’ a confidential, impartial advice and support service which is available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year providing practical support for staff.”