Shropshire Star

Brexit Day: It’s time to seize the opportunity, say Shropshire MPs

Britain was today urged to seize the moment and become a truly global player that looks beyond Europe after Brexit.

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Britain was today preparing to move forward outside the European Union as it entered a period of negotiated transition

The nation is at last due to leave the EU at 11pm, after Boris Johnson’s withdrawal agreement cleared its final hurdle in the European Parliament.

The PM was due to host a Cabinet meeting in the north of England today to mark the occasion, which Tory MPs across Shropshire and Mid Wales have hailed as an opportunity to recraft the UK as a world leader.

Mark Pritchard, MP for The Wrekin, said the decision was all about reflecting the wishes of the people.


“The Brexit vote was the voice of the majority of the British people," he said.

"Democracy is now coming home. Once again Britain will be a free and independent nation, with more control over her borders, laws and money. We will become a nation with global vision, not just reliant on the EU axis.”

Mr Pritchard said there would inevitably be challenges ahead, but the opportunities would far outweigh those, adding: “It is a new beginning – a new dawn.”


North Shropshire MP Owen Paterson, an outspoken Brexiteer, said Britain could now go forward and work out trade deals over the coming months.

“I look forward to, by the end of the year, that we come to an agreement where the UK is not just doing trade deals with the EU, but with Asia Pacific countries, the US, and our consumers will have access to world quality goods at world prices, that will bring household bills down,” he said.

Cabinet minister Gavin Williamson, the MP for South Staffordshire, said departing the EU signified “a momentous time and moment in Britain’s history”, where a new world of opportunities would open up for the nation.


The UK is now preparing to go into a transition period as its new relationship with the EU is negotiated, while West Midlands MEPs are returning home, including Ellie Chowns for the Greens.

She said: “It’s been an honour and a privilege to serve as an MEP. I’m leaving with fond memories and lots of respect for the colleagues that I leave behind here.

“The European Parliament will continue to exist and the UK will need to continue to co-operate with the EU, which will be harder after Brexit.”