Shropshire Star

Plans for Six Shepherd Huts at farm near Lake Vyrnwy

Plans have been submitted for six shepherd huts to be built on farmland just off the B4393 road that leads to Llanwddyn and Lake Vyrnwy.

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Tyn Shettin Shepherd Huts plans

The planning application has been made by the Davies family who farm at Tyn Shettin.

The proposal is for six huts and car parking facilities, there is an existing track to the proposed site which is used to graze sheep.

This site has been chosen due to the private road access while being just off the main road allowing visitors to gain access to the site without having to travel down country roads.

According to the plans the applicant will also build a new bridge over Nant Llwydiarth, and the existing ford there.

They say that they want to “offer a unique holiday experience,” allowing visitors the opportunity of relaxing in the countryside.

Agent Richard Corbett of Roger Parry and Partners said: “Mr Davies and his family realise the need to diversify to improve the sustainability of the land, and provide an additional income.

“With the current pandemic the client feels it’s more important now than ever to provide self-contained and outdoor accommodation.”

Mr Corbett believes that providing more accommodation for visitors will play a part in “Reawakening Wales’ tourism and cultural sectors,” which have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Corbett said: “The direct economic impact on the tourism sector will not be fully known for some time, but it is clear that losing out on trade in the peak Easter and summer periods will have significant consequences for many businesses, and employees.

“It is predicted with the current health crisis and potential recession will have the same impact as the previous financial crash and lead to stay-cations rising even more.

“Travellers are more concerned than ever about travelling abroad, not only due to health concerns, but also the risk of holidays being cancelled.”

The family has done it’s research and believes there is a niche for the shepherd’s huts as, “there are very few sites similar to the proposal,” in the area.

Mr Corbett added that the younger generation in the family believe that investing in tourism will have a “positive outcome” for the business and the local economy.

“The Davies family already have two successful tourism properties and understand the demand for accommodation in the area,” said Mr Corbett.

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