Shropshire Star

Shropshire councillor to reject allowances increase

A councillor who led calls for an allowance increase to be postponed until after the pandemic has said he will not accept the extra money.

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Councillor Kevin Pardy

Labour councillor Kevin Pardy spoke out against the proposed rise of just under £500 to all members’ annual allowance at a Shropshire Council meeting last week.

But the increase was voted through along with larger rises for the leader, deputy leader and some committee chairs, after Councillor Pardy’s motion to defer for 12 months failed to win support.

Councillor Pardy, who represents Sundorne in Shrewsbury, has now asked the council to keep him on the previous rate of £11,514, saying it is not fair for councillors to get a pay rise when so many people are struggling financially because of the pandemic.

He said: “Whilst so many people, through no fault of their own, find themselves in financial difficulties due to Covid I cannot without conscience accept a rise of any kind let alone five per cent.

“I was truly amazed that the increase was accepted by council and that members in defending their acceptance argued that the increase was of allowances not pay.

“This pathetic defence is one of the weakest arguments I’ve ever heard in council.

“The fact is it is an income which can be spent on anything a councillor wishes to spend it on.”

Councillor Pardy said he found it “hard to believe” that many of the Conservative councillors who supported the increase were in need of the money.

He added: “Maybe the problem is some people do not realise how well off they are or are too distanced from the reality of poverty.”

The changes to members’ allowances were put forward by an independent remuneration panel and council leader Lezley Picton said it had been a “fair process”.

An amendment proposed by Liberal Democrat councillor Andy Boddington, to link future allowance increases with annual staff pay rises, was also supported.