Shropshire Star

Calls for Shropshire to become ‘County of Sanctuary’ for refugees

Shropshire Council is being urged to show its support for the county’s refugee community by seeking ‘Council of Sanctuary’ accreditation.

Last updated
Shirehall in Shrewsbury

If the move is backed by members at a full council meeting next week, the council will pledge to embed the vision and values of the City of Sanctuary movement in its policies and practices.

The nationwide initiative recognises areas which offer a welcome place of safety to refugees and asylum seekers, and value the contribution they make to society.

A motion calling on the authority to start working towards the recognition, has been put forward by Councillor Kate Halliday and is supported by fellow Labour members Rosemary Dartnall, Julia Buckley and group leader Alan Mosley.

It follows a similar motion tabled by Councillor Halliday at a Shrewsbury Town Council meeting last week, which was unanimously supported.

The motion reads: “This council is committed to support an initiative to make Shropshire into a recognised ‘Council of Sanctuary’ welcoming those fleeing violence and persecution in their own countries.

“We recognise their potential contribution to our county, and also recognise that a comprehensive, co-ordinated and forward-looking approach is needed if the welfare of people moving into the county, and community cohesion between new and existing communities, are to be supported effectively.

“Local authorities across the political spectrum have been awarded ‘Council of Sanctuary’ status.

“Shropshire Council is already taking many of the actions required to achieve ‘Sanctuary Status’ through its existing programmes.”

The motion does not commit Shropshire to accepting any more refugees.

Councillor Halliday said the award would recognise the good work already being done by the council and wider county to support people who have settled here, and would therefore not have significant resource implications for the authority.

If councillors support the motion, the council will sign up to the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network to share good practice with other organisations, produce an action plan, and collate the evidence required to apply for the award.

The authority would work with partner organisations and community groups to ensure the City of Sanctuary principles are embedded across Shropshire.

Councillor Halliday said: “This recognition would highlight the issue, encourage people to be inclusive and showcase the good things we are doing.

“It is about promoting the fact that refugees can bring a lot to the town and the county.

“Joining this network would mean finding out what other people are doing and learning from them, and building the principles into our existing policies.

“The council has been supporting Shropshire Supports Refugees with its work and has accepted refugees into Shropshire in the last few years. We are doing a good job here.

“I really hope this is something all political groups can get behind.”

The motion will be voted on at the full council meeting next Thursday, July 15, at Theatre Severn.

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