Shropshire Star

Campaign to get Bridgnorth's name on the parliamentary map in boundary review

A town councillor is to write to the Boundary Commission in a bid to put Bridgnorth on the parliamentary map amid a review of constituency boundaries.

Edward Marshall

Edward Marshall wants the town name included in any changes to the constituency which the town is in.

Initial proposals indicated the present Ludlow constituency may change its name to 'Ludlow and Bridgnorth' in the next review, with the Shropshire Council wards of Burnell and Severn Valley - currently part of Shrewsbury and Atcham - being included in the new area.

The Boundary Commission will report their final recommendations by July 1 next year but there will be revisions following feedback from MPs and the public. Current Ludlow MP Phillip Dunne has previously expressed his support for the changes.

At a recent meeting of Bridgnorth Town Council, Councillor Marshall - a former mayor of Bridgnorth - said he would write to the boundary commission in an attempt to get Bridgnorth 'on the map.'

He said: "After all it is the biggest town in terms of population in the constituency and I feel that should be represented in any proposed name change.

"I realise some people might think it doesn't matter but there is probably a sizeable population in the town to whom it does."