Shropshire Star

Dog mess crackdown as Shropshire Council seeks powers to issue owners with on-the-spot fines

Shropshire Council is seeking more powers to crack down on dog mess in public areas, with offending owners facing on-the-spot fines.


The local authority wants to implement a public space protection order throughout the county to control dog fouling and to help control the risk of harm from stray dogs.

Its cabinet will be asked to approve a public consultation for the order at it's meeting next Wednesday, October 18. If the order goes ahead, it will mean owners will face fixed penalty notices if they are caught letting their dogs make a mess without cleaning it up afterwards. The council also wants to launch a public awareness campaign about the issue.

A report prepared by the council's executive director of place, Mark Barrow, says: " Currently the council is vulnerable to challenge about the lack of enforcement as it has no legal power to do so and indeed has been criticised by the public that enforcement action hasn’t been taken. There is therefore considerable reputational risk for the council if it does not respond to this criticism and fails to consult on the necessary powers to take enforcement action.