Shropshire Star

Conservative members would welcome Nigel Farage with open arms, but would you? Vote in our poll

A Conservative website has conducted a survey among Tory members, and the results could have a profound impact on the future direction of the party

Conservative members would seemingly welcome him with open arms - mostly.

Conservative Home published the results of their survey on Sunday .

The poll was aiming to find out how welcome a certain controversial Brexiteer would be in the party - assuming Nigel Farage wanted to join of course.

The statements members were asked to choose between were as follows:

  • Were Nigel Farage to seek Conservative Party membership, he should be admitted.

  • Were Nigel Farage to seek Conservative Party membership, he should not be admitted.

  • Don't know

The results among Conservative members were pretty overwhelming. More than seven-in-ten believe he should be admitted if he wants to join.

The question is, if Nigel Farage were to join to Conservative Party and stand in a Shropshire seat - your constituency - would you vote for him?

Vote in our poll below and let us know.