Shropshire Star

Prime Minister pays tribute to his 'good friend', retired Shropshire MP

The Prime Minister paid tribute his 'good friend', Shropshire MP Philip Dunne, during a visit to the Shropshire Star.

Rishi Sunak with Philip Dunne

Rishi Sunak said the retiring Ludlow MP had provided him with much wisdom and advice over the years.

He said the former minister had continued to fight the corner of his constituents right the way to the end of parliament.

"Philip is a good friend of mine, and he has been an incredibly devoted public servant in so many different roles over the years," said the Prime Minister.

"He had a question in Prime Minister' Questions just the other day asking about the security of our country.

"I draw on him for advice in so many different areas, but particularly when it comes to the environment.

"He is chair of the select committee, he has got a fantastic track record of ensuring we nurture our natural environment."

Mr Sunak said he also consulted with Mr Dunne about the economy.

"He is someone who has got an enormous amount of experience that he brings to bear, he is a devoted public servant, to his constituents first and foremost, and a wonderful colleague and friend.

"He will be sorely missed."