Shropshire Star

'I used to be a supermarket delivery driver... now I'm running for parliament!'

A former supermarket delivery driver who has worked on building sites will be contesting The Wrekin seat at the General Election.

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Chris Shipley has admitted it was a ‘spur of the moment’ decision to put his name forward.

“It started as a joke with friends when I got fired up about political issues,” said Mr Shipley, who is aged 34 and lives in Shifnal.

“When the Prime Minister announced the election, I thought, why not?

“I believe we need more independents in our politics, including in The Wrekin.

“Major parties often campaign on the latest national outrages rather than focusing on their constituents’ needs. Politics would benefit from a wider range of viewpoints to maintain a more central and representative government.

“As an independent, I can evaluate policies on their merits and not be forced by a party whip to vote against a good policy simply because the opposition proposed it. If elected, I can stay true to my principles and deliver what is in the best interest of The Wrekin.”

According to opinion polls and bookmaker odds, it looks like it will be a two-way fight between current MP Mark Pritchard, of the Conservatives, and Labour’s Roh Yakobi.

However, Mr Shipley believes Mr Pritchard’s time in office ‘has been somewhat absent’.

“His voting record and register of interest declarations suggest he has devoted only about half his time to his constituents,” said Mr Shipley.

“He consults for companies interested in fossil fuel expansion and suppressing climate change information, which aligns with his voting record – he has voted 18 times against action to prevent climate change since 2008.

“He has continuously voted against equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community and almost always against laws promoting human and equal rights. He also voted against better fire safety protections after the Grenfell tragedy.

“I encourage everyone to look up their MP’s voting record and see if it aligns with their values. For me, it doesn’t, and that’s one reason why I am contesting his seat.”

Chris Shipley

Mr Shipley, who is originally from the Black Country, is currently working as an office temp just south of Donnington.

He said his political interest stems from his parents.

“My brother and I were always involved in conversations and encouraged to ask questions and discuss our opinions,” said Mr Shipley.

“From a historical point, my great granddad was a union rep to the minors when the pit in Baggeridge was still operational.

“I’m fed up with the direction the country has been taken. It’s our government’s job to take the country into a better place than it found it and I genuinely believe that’s not the case. We’ve lost our A&E department and our MP was silent on the matter.

“Both of my parents have needed immediate medical attention from a stroke and a heart attack; thankfully I still have them, but only because an A&E was 10 minutes away. When every minute counts, 40 minutes to get immediate lifesaving help is not good enough and then the final straw was when I see the state of our rivers and the complete inaction on holding the water companies accountable.

“People deserve to have someone who can stand solely for their constituency and as much as a party aligned candidate will say they will put The Wrekin first, will they stand in protest against the party whip?

“Only an independent candidate can stay true to this promise. We need relatable people in politics that know the real hardships we all face in our day to day lives. We deserve better.”

The full list of election candidates for The Wrekin are:

Richard Leppington, Reform UK

Anthony Lowe, Liberal Democrat

Pat McCarthy, Green Party

Mark Pritchard, Conservative

Chris Shipley, Independent

Roh Yakobi, Labour