Shropshire Star

Telford homeowner refused planning permission for 'disproportionate' annexe

A Telford homeowner has again been refused permission to build an annexe.

The property in Finger Road, Dawley, Telford. Picture: Google

Hannah Whyte wanted the building to be at the back of her property in Finger Road, Dawley.

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She was initially refused permission last September due to the annexe being ‘disproportionate to the host dwelling and application site as a whole, and would almost certainly not be classed as modest'.

However, despite coming back with an amended proposal, planners have said it would still accommodate a kitchen with the reduction in footprint only being minor.

“Furthermore, given its positioning on the application site, the proposed annexe will also be slightly elevated compared to the nearby highway,” reads the report.

“When assessed in relation to the application dwelling and site as a whole, the Local Planning Authority consider the proposed works to be disproportionate, resulting in the over-development of the application site.

“Furthermore, the proposed works are not considered to result in a modest or subservient addition on the application site, with the outbuilding failing to be ancillary to the host dwelling.”

A total of 13 neighbouring properties were consulted. No comments or objections were received.

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