Shropshire Star

Craig Williams' opponents have their say as abandoned Tory misses hustings

Abandoned Tory candidate Craig Williams was conspicuous by his absence as his opponents turned out for a town-hall hustings.

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Just hours after the Conservative Party confirmed it was withdrawing support for the Montgomeryshire & Glyndwr candidate, all five of his election rivals were present for the debate at Montgomery Town Hall.

Mr Williams' issues come as a result of a Gambling Commission investigation into his 'flutter' on the date of the election – making him one of five Conservatives currently confirmed as being investigated by the watchdog.

Despite issuing his own statement that he would be fighting on, and will remain on the ballot paper, Mr Williams did not turn up for the debate, and no reason was offered for his absence.

As a packed town hall waited for the hustings to begin, the Reform candidate Oliver Lewis secured some hearty laughs at his absent opponent's expense by offering up Mr Williams' unused chair for one of the many residents left on their feet with standing room only.

As the debate proceeded, with candidates quizzed on a number of issues by the audience, their restraint was notable, with surprisingly little attempt to secure political capital at their beleaguered rival's expense.

Predictably the first question centred on 'public trust' in politics being at an all time low – with the candidates challenged on what they would do to improve the situation.