Shropshire Star

Veteran former Conservative councillor switches to Lib Dems and backs party's 'inspirational' MP

A veteran former Conservative councillor has switched his allegiance to the Liberal Democrats, claiming that the ruling Tory administration has 'lost control' of the county's finances.

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After backing the Lib Dem MP for North Shropshire, Helen Morgan, in this year's general election, David Minnery has now announced he has joined the party's group on Shropshire Council.

The county councillor for Market Drayton West took his seat with the Lib Dems at the most recent full council meeting after serving the town as a councillor for more than 42 years, almost all as a Conservative party member.

Councillor Minnery previously served as the Conservative Cabinet Member for Finance. He says his decision has been influenced by a desire to support Mrs Morgan and and by his view that the Liberal Democrats "need" to win a majority in next May's council election.

He said: "Having supported the Conservatives for almost all of the last 50 years, crossing the floor to another political party is not a decision I take lightly, but as of today I have joined the Liberal Democrats.

"Helen Morgan has been inspirational as an MP, and has shown clearly to people in Market Drayton what first-class local representation should look like. I hope to support her in her efforts campaigning to improve bus services and standing up for rural market towns like ours on the issues that matter.

"There is a big task ahead of the Liberal Democrats going into next May's Shropshire Council elections, in both providing credible solutions to the financial problems at Shirehall and in campaigning to win a majority of seats. Having spoken extensively with the leadership about these issues, I have confidence that the Lib Dem group can do both of those things and more, bringing in much-needed new talent and ways of thinking to Shropshire Council.

"Simply put, the Conservatives have been in charge for far too long, and have lost control of the county finances.

"I look forward to working hard to get the change Shropshire needs next May."

Helen Morgan and David Minnery at Damson Wood

Earlier this month the council revealed it needed to make £27million worth of staff cuts, and has been accepting applications for voluntary redundancy.

In the July 4 general election Helen Morgan claimed her second victory, retaining the North Shropshire seat with 26,214 votes - 15,000 more votes than Conservative candidate Simon Baynes received.

The MP for North Shropshire said: "It has been great to have David's support over the past months, particularly with the campaign to save Damson Wood [in Market Drayton], and it is fantastic to get our first Shropshire Councillor here in North Shropshire.

"This will no doubt be the first of many, with a very strong slate of Liberal Democrat candidates already raring to go ahead of next May's local elections."

Roger Evans, leader of the Shropshire Council Liberal Democrats, added: "I am very proud to be welcoming Councillor Minnery to the Liberal Democrat group at Shirehall. We pride ourselves on working hard all year round, not just at election time, and listening to residents. I have no doubt that David will fit in perfectly, and add some experience to our team.

"This is yet another sign that change is coming in Shropshire, and that the Conservatives are on their way out."