Shropshire Star

'Lying on the floor with debt collectors at our door': Telford MP's heartfelt Commons introduction

Telford's newest MP, former council leader Shaun Davies, has given his maiden speech in the House of Commons.

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In his maiden speech in the House of Commons, new MP Shaun Davies spoke of his love of his home town, reflected on his childhood in poverty and vowed to "stand up for Telford".

Opening his speech, the former Telford & Wrekin council leader paid tribute to his Conservative predecessor, Lucy Allan and the former Telford Labour MP David Wright.

"I also want to pay tribute to the first person to hold the job of MP for Telford, a great supporter and crucial adviser to me, who now sits in the other place, Lord Bruce Grocott.

"Lord Grocott led me on a tour of this House in 1997 when I was just 11 years old—right hon. and hon. Members may be forgiven for thinking that I look too old to have been 11 in 1997, but that is what 14 years in local government does to you," he joked.

Speaking on Telford, Shaun called the town one with "a proud history and strong local identity".

"I am of course a son of Telford, but also of Dawley, the birthplace of Captain Matthew Webb, who in 1875 become the first man to swim the English Channel," he told the House.

"His monument in Dawley High Street says, “Nothing great is easy.” Telford is great, but over recent years we have certainly not had it easy."

He spoke of Telford's "outstanding" schools and higher education facilities, the record number of green and protected spaces, the town as home to some of the biggest defence companies and its "deep and strong" relationship with the armed forces.

MP Shaun Davies during his maiden speech in the House of Commons. Photo: Parliament Live

He told the House about the many big businesses that call the town home, the low rates of council tax and the town's "outstanding" and "exceptional" children and adult services.

"In Telford, as in the rest of the country, poverty and child poverty are increasing," Shaun added.

"It is heartbreaking that almost one in four children are living in poverty. For me, that is not an academic issue; it is personal. I was in poverty as a child. I remember switching the lights off in our council house and lying on the floor as debt collectors banged on our door.

"I remember the embarrassment of queuing for a blue free school meal ticket as many of my friends got their paid yellow ones. That deep-down imposter syndrome remains and is very much with me today."

The MP paid tribute to Telford Crisis Support, a community organisation that last year provided 238,624 meals to people in need.

He added: "To children living in council homes, in temporary accommodation or in our care, who are picking up free school meals, food parcels and avoiding debt collectors, I say this: 'If I can get here, so can you.'"

Calling for reform of the "broken system" of the public sector, the MP spoke of how those within the system were best placed to help inform and improve services.

"When those who have skin in the game are empowered and trusted, the results are always better. We know that so well in Telford, after the recent work of Holly, Scarlett and Joanne."

Holly Archer, Scarlett Jones and Joanne Phillips are survivors of child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Telford who have worked with organisations to implement changes since the damning report in 2022.

"For too many, our country does not work for them," Shaun concluded.

"Not only are they disconnected, but they feel a million miles away from this place. That allows others to exploit the void—to divide us.

"We - all of us - should work together, despite our political differences, to help connect this place to our citizens, so that democracy does not just survive, but thrives. I hope that I can work on that nationally in the coming months and years.

"I thank the people of Telford for trusting me with the incredible honour and privilege of representing my home town. I will stand up for Telford and for them. I know that we have a long road ahead of us, but I am committed to the challenge. After all, nothing great is easy."