Shropshire Star

Business leaders list what they'd like to see on key Shropshire rail route - and why

A new report shows how businesses are desperate for rail improvements in the county – to boost the economy.

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A Midlands Connect report published today highlights the concerns of Shropshire businesses and calls for a number of enhancements on the Shrewsbury to Birmingham line, saying the 'vital' route is 'frequently subject to delays and overcrowding'.

Amid the calls for improvements a number of the county's leading businesses have been explaining their thoughts on current situation, its effect, and what should happen.

* Asked about the impact of the current limitations of the service Joel Campbell, CEO of Cove Group which runs the Shrewsbury Prison tourist attraction, said: "The reliability of the line, and the fact that most trains run with only two carriages, presents a capacity challenge.”

Sophie Dwerryhouse of the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) Midlands, echoed those sentiments, saying: "The service is always incredibly busy at commuter times, and with often just two carriages to supply the demand of all the stops from Shrewsbury to Birmingham, the train isn’t large enough."

Meanwhile, Alastair Godfrey of the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings Project, agreed with concerns about capacity and reliability, outlining the need for more regular services to connect with onward journeys from Birmingham.

He said: "More regular services would certainly help boost confidence in the reliability of the rail network as a mode of travel. Currently, if someone experiences a delay in Shrewsbury, they’ll miss an onward connection in Birmingham, leaving them waiting at the station for an extended period."

Representatives from the Mercia District of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said the situation has a tangible impact on local unemployed people being able to find work in the county.

Charlie Lloyd, from the DWP, said: "Those using our services can often experience the rail network in the area as a barrier to their participation in job centre appointments, interviews and accessing other developmental opportunities. We often attribute lack of attendance at appointments due to disruption in transport."

Louise Johnson from the DWP added that uncertainty can put people off going for certain jobs.

She said: "If people don’t feel confident about how they could travel to work using the rail network, this will act as a barrier to them applying to certain roles, especially if they don’t have access to a car.

"If there is disruption on the rail line, they will be left with no other transport option.”

Businesses want improvements to county rail services.

* Businesses have outlined how an improved rail service would make access easier for people visiting the county, in turn boosting tourism and the economy.

Mr Campbell said: "A better service on the line would help attract more visitors to Shrewsbury Prison and to the wider area.”

Mark Hooper from Visit Shropshire talked about the limitations imposed on tourism by the current timetable.

He said: "We are always hoping to secure later nighttime services, because Shrewsbury and Telford now host quite a few big, late-night events.