Shropshire Star

MP calls on government to 'reconsider' winter fuels payment decision that will affect thousands in Shropshire

Stuart Anderson is calling on the government to 'reconsider' its decision to scrap winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners.


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The South Shropshire MP is campaigning against the decision, saying he fears for thousands of people who may be affected within his constituency.

Anderson has signed an Early Day Motion (EDM), calling for the legislation that makes the change possible to be annulled. The EDM also challenges ministers to hold a debate on the policy.

According to government data, 11.4 million people in the UK received a winter fuel payment during winter of 2022/23. The payment helps with the cost of energy bills during the colder months.

Meanwhile, in South Shropshire, 24,824 people benefitted from the payment.

Anderson says he has "called into question the way in which the new government laid the regulations, which restrict the number of pensioners eligible for the payments to only those in receipt of a means-tested qualifying benefit such as Pension Credit."

But, the MP, has stated that there are currently up to 880,000 households who do not claim Pension Credit. Adding that the Fuel Poverty Committee has reported a "significant group of pensioners on low and fixed incomes may suffer genuine hardship due to the decision - including pensioner households with annual incomes above the £18,200 threshold to be eligible for Pension Credit."

Anderson has signed the EDM, calling for the matter to be debated in Parliament. It comes after nearly 60 per cent of the public in a recent survey said that they 'oppose the new government's decision to scrap winter fuel payments for many pensioners'.

The MP also says Ministers "failed to undertake a full impact assessment of the removal - meaning questions have been left unanswered on how vulnerable households will be supported in the winter."

And, has urged the government to "implement the Fuel Poverty Committee's recommendations to feature fuel poverty in NHS England winter planning guidance."

The MP has called for the equivalent funding saved from the withdrawal of payments to be 'ring-fenced for supporting energy vulnerable households'.

South Shropshire MP, Stuart Anderson said: "This new government's decision to remove winter fuel payments from those not in receipt of means-tested qualifying benefits such as Pension Credit will affect thousands of people in South Shropshire.

"Last winter, 24,824 constituents benefitted from this payment. Its withdrawal represents losses of up to £300 at a time when energy bills are set to increase by £150. It is not too late for the government to rethink its decision, so I have called for time to be dedicated to debating the decision in Parliament.

"It was very disappointing to learn that the government does not plan to redirect the money withdrawn from the scheme to helping those most in need of support. This is especially the case given that research from the Local Government Association has estimated the NHS spends £2.5 billion per year, as a minimum, on treating illnesses directly linked to cold, damp, and unsafe homes.

"As such, I have also requested, as the Fuel Poverty Committee has done, that fuel poverty features in NHS England winter planning guidance. Additionally, I have called for the equivalent funding saved from the scheme to be ring-fenced as support for those who are vulnerable to rising energy costs this winter."

The EDM is said to have also been signed by Rishi Sunak MP, Jeremy Hunt MP, Mel Stride MP and Claire Coutinho MP.