Shropshire Star

'It's getting stupid!' Shropshire Star readers have their say on leaked smoking ban proposals

Shropshire residents have responded to leaked Government proposals to ban smoking in some outdoor areas with fears it would "kill" the hospitality and entertainment industry.


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Last week, the Shropshire Star reported that the Government wants to make it "much more likely" that smokers will give up the habit. Leaked proposals, reported by the Sun newspaper, suggested that smoking will be banned in some outdoor areas, such as at restaurants and hospitals, to improve public health.

Sir Keir Starmer told reporters last Thursday that the Government would have to "take decisions" on smoking, and that "more details will be revealed".

Now Shropshire residents have voiced their concerns in their numbers for the hospitality industry, as some pubs hit back saying they already offer 'no-smoking' zones/areas on their premises.

We asked readers on Facebook: "Do you think smoking should be banned in pub beer gardens?"

To which a resident commented: "No, I'm not a smoker, never have been. But it's outside and completely people's choice whether they smoke or not! It's getting stupid."

A resident believes a smoking ban would lead to "massive losses" for the entertainment and hospitality sector, and many believe it would lead to the closure of businesses in the industry with another reader saying a ban would "kill the industry".

The Coleham Tap pub in Shrewsbury responded saying: "We already have no smoking sections in our beer garden. Our customers requested it, so we adapted and created the space."

Speaking to Sky News last Friday, education minister Baroness Jacqui Smith responded to concerns about the impact on the hospitality industry.

She said: "I think most people now, including in the hospitality industry, would say our pubs, our restaurants, are much better places because they're no longer filled with smoke."

Another Shropshire Star reader said the Prime Minister should "be sorting bigger problems".

And, many also pointed out that smoking is a personal choice, and believe it is not a problem in a designated area.

"No," replied another reader. "I am a non-smoker and feel strongly that individuals have the right to make choices, if an adult chooses to smoke, then that's up to them, what is the problem if it is in a designated outdoor area?"

A reader suggested that having 'shelters' or 'areas for smokers' is the solution, adding: "That way people can still enjoy the garden and smokers have their area."

A Shropshire Star reader who said they were 'anti smoker' was nevertheless opposed to the leaked proposals, saying: "For many people going down the pub for a pint or two, and chatting to their mates, it is the only social interaction they have.

"Why take it away from them?"

However, one reader believes the hospitality industry would not suffer as a result of a ban, and that "very few people smoke" anymore.

Their comment read: "Pubs are not going bust due to smoking bans. Rent, cost of beer, etc that's what's killing them... very few now smoke so it won't damage pubs one bit."

Another reader thinks it could benefit the experience of people who do not smoke but want to use outside areas, saying: "It would certainly make my personal experience nicer. However, I think it would be wrong to make all outdoor areas non-smoking."

Despite a large majority of more than 400 comments opposing the leaked proposals, a YouGov poll last week suggested that 58 per cent of British adults support banning smoking in pub gardens and outside restaurants.