Shropshire Star

MP calls for more money to tackle wildlife crime

A Shropshire MP has called on the Government to increase funding for the fight against wildlife crime.


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Mark Pritchard, MP for The Wrekin, called on ministers to make more money available for the National Wildlife Crime Unit, which deals with offences such as badger-baiting, destroying bat roosts, poaching, hare coursing, and poisoning or destroying the nests of birds of prey.

Mr Pritchard said wildlife crime was often associated with organised crime. He cited a report last month 2024 from the International Fund for Animal Welfare, which said: “Wildlife crime presents low risk, high-reward opportunities to organised gangs, which are often linked to drugs, firearms and other violent offences."

He said previous Conservative government had increased sentences for animal cruelty, raising the maximum prison sentence from six months to five years, with unlimited fines. Funding for the National Wildlife Crime Unit more than doubled from 2022 to 2025, he added.

But minister for nature, Mary Creagh, said she could not yet confirm funding levels for the unit beyond next year.

She said: "Defra (the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) supports the valuable work of the unit.

"Defra is providing £424,000 for it in financial year 2024-2025. Budgets for 2025-2026 and beyond have not yet been set."