Shropshire Star

Crunch meeting as housing developer prepares to lock horns with residents over 114 homes plan

A housing developer has asked to meet residents over controversial plans for 114 homes close to the "dangerous" A49.


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More than 200 objections have been lodged against a Redrow Homes scheme to build on land west of Lyth Hill Road in Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, with the loss of green space another concern of residents, as well as poor communication about the plans from the developer.

Redrow defended its consultation process as "meaningful and informative," however now they are asking residents to attend a meeting for further talks.

A Bayston Hill Parish Council spokesman said: "The parish council has been approached by the developers for 'an opportunity for Redrow's project team to meet councillors to discuss the plans in more detail and to discuss the concerns of the councillors'.

"We have added and additional full council meeting on November 4 and the meeting will entirely take place in public.

"There is an opportunity on the agenda for members of the public to speak. We would ask though that if you do wish to speak, contact the clerk to make the organisation of the evening easier."

The meeting will take place at 7.15pm at Christ Church, Glebe Road, Bayston Hill. Anyone wishing to speak can contact the parish council clerk on 01743 874651 or

The proposal comprises of 17 five-bed homes, 22 four-beds, 34 three-beds, 33 two-beds and eight one-beds.

Land off Lyth Hill Road where the homes would be built. Picture: Redrow Homes

Planning applications have previously been lodged to build homes on the land. Plans were refused in 2017, and an application for 106 homes on the site was submitted in November 2022 but withdrawn in February last year.

One objector, Mr Brian Howells, said: "Our village cannot cope with a huge development and this will have such a negative impact to the local community. Not only will there be a loss of agricultural land and beautiful countryside but also the felling of a magnificent oak tree and the loss of habitat for wildlife and future generations.

"The bus services is not reliable and therefore people will use cars which as a minimum would be an additional 118 cars travelling through the village. This would have a massive impact on our village road infrastructure with subsequent noise and pollution increasing.

"The paths in the village are narrow and we already experience issues crossing roads and traffic passing very close, an increase in cars would exasperate this especially for the elderly and young children. The quickest route for cars to leave the village from this development would be onto the A49, causing longer queues and add to the current major concerns regarding the volume of traffic on the A49 and speeding issues.

"To agree to this would be devastating to the village please do not think of money but of people's lives."

Mrs Charlene Northwood said: "The village is in an area of outstanding beauty and if these new house are built they will be an eyesore. They will not be in keeping with the area.

"The village roads are already struggling with increased volumes of traffic and these new houses would make it worse.

"The schools and doctors are already struggling, more houses would add to the ever growing problem.

"Bayston Hill does not need or want any new property development."

To view the planning application in full, visit

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