Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury general election result: Labour's Julia Buckley unseats Conservative Daniel Kawczynski

Shrewsbury has its first female MP after Labour's Julia Buckley delivered an emphatic end to 19 years of Conservative control in the town.

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Mrs Buckley enjoyed a huge margin of victory, polling 22,932 votes, out of sight from the second-placed Conservative Daniel Kawczynski, with 11,577 votes.

The result brings an end to Mr Kawczynski's near two-decade tenure representing the town.

Although emphatic there were significant sub-plots to the result with Reform's Victor Applegate polling 7,524 votes – ahead of the fourth placed Liberal Democrat candidate, Alex Wagner, with 6,722.

Despite his party's success Mr Applegate was not actually present at the count, with his agent revealing that the candidate had instead attended a count in Walsall.

A jubilant Julia Buckley

The result was emblematic of the resurgent Labour Party – and is the first time it has taken the seat since Paul Marsden won for a second time in the heady days of Tony Blair's government in 2001.

Taking to the stage to rapturous applause Mrs Buckley paid tribute to her opponents – and specifically Mr Kawczynski.

She said: "I have waited a long time to give this speech, and Shrewsbury has waited even longer, it has been nearly two decades since a Labour MP represented the town and it is long overdue."

She added: "It has been a very cordial campaign and I must pay tribute to my fellow candidates and to our outgoing MP Daniel Kawczynski for his service of 19 years to Shrewsbury.

"Finally my thanks go to the voters who put their trust in me and in Labour to change the country. And to those who did not vote for me I promise to work tirelessly to represent the entire community to be a strong voice for Shrewsbury in Westminster.

"I understand there will be many voters that have voted Labour for the first time and I do appreciate your support and I will do everything to deliver the change that people have asked for.

Labour's Julia Buckley

"We ran this election as a changed Labour Party and we will now govern to change this country away from the chaos of the last few years. There is no magic wand, but the Labour party has a laser focus on what it will take to get Britain's future back. Keir Starmer is realistic about the scale of the challenge we face and the practical common sense steps we will take to fix them.

"We are focused on the priorities of working people, we will fight for economic security, cheaper bills, safer streets, our long-standing NHS, secure borders, and better opportunities for our young people

"I believe that politicians and politics should serve people. I promise I will serve with hard work, determination and a single minded focus on what is best for Shrewsbury."

Conservative Daniel Kawczynski

Mr Kawczynski, for whom the election ended 19 years in parliament, said he was 'clearly very disappointed with the result'.

He said: "It has been a huge privilege to represent the people of Shrewsbury for the last 19 years, I am extraordinarily grateful for them giving me the opportunity."

He added: "I am very proud of the work I have done for the constituency, particularly on tackling flooding, the town centre re-development, the Future Fit programme at the hospital and the North West Relief Road.

Daniel Kawczynski congratulated Julia Buckley on her victory

"I have used my business experience and education to focus on major strategic issues that I feel will have a transformative impact in Shrewsbury, so I am very proud of my record.

"What I want to do now is to ensure all the constituency work and case files are handed over."

It was a night of misery for Shrewsbury's Conservatives

Asked why his party's defeat had been so resounding Mr Kawczynski said: "It is very difficult when you have been in government for 14 years, people want a change."

Commenting on the result Mr Wagner said: "Whatever your politics, champagne corks will be popping across Shrewsbury today to celebrate seeing the back of Daniel Kawczynski once and for all.

“I wish Julia Buckley all the best in representing our fantastic town over the coming years."

Daniel Kawczynski congratulated Julia Buckley after her victory was confirmed

The full results were as follows:

Victor Applegate - Reform UK: 7,524

Chris Bovill - English Democrats: 241

Julia Buckley - Labour: 22,932

Julian Dean - Green Party: 2,387

James Gollins - Independent: 177

Daniel Kawczynski - Conservative: 11,577

Alex Wagner - Liberal Democrat: 6,722