Shropshire Star

Ukip North Shropshire by-election candidate on second jobs and key priorities

Ahead of the North Shropshire by-election on December 16, the Shropshire Star has approached all candidates with a series of questions.

Andrea Allen, UKIP's candidate for the North Shropshire by-election.

We have asked the candidates the same set of questions on topics including second jobs, priorities and national issues.

This time, it is the turn of UKIP candidate Andrea Allen to answer the questions and tell you what her plans are for North Shropshire.

Will you take any second jobs if you are elected as MP for North Shropshire, and do you believe MPs should be prevented from taking second jobs/consultancy roles?

No, I think MPs are well-enough remunerated, both financially and in terms of status. Parliament may only sit for a limited number of days, but the rest of the time should be devoted to furthering the interests of the constituency and voters.

I think MPs should have had a real job in the real world before getting elected. It should be understood that being an MP means giving one’s whole attention to the task.

What is the biggest national issue you see affecting the constituency in the coming years?

Pressure of numbers on housing, the NHS, roads, the transport system, welfare and schools due to failure to protect our borders.

Consequent loss of agricultural land to housing developments without infrastructure provision before developments are allowed to go ahead will have an impact on our ability to feed ourselves and cause damage to our quality of life.

What would you like to achieve in your tenure as MP for North Shropshire?

To know that I had represented the interests of my constituents and that they felt I had done a good job.

What do you see as the strengths of the constituency?

It is a beautiful place to live, with friendly people who, on the whole, are caring with a strong sense of community.

What are the biggest problems facing the constituency and what would you say needs to be done to address them?

Government policies are mainly urban-based with little appreciation of what it means to live in a rural area with widespread population and few amenities.

They also tend to be London-centric; here, if you miss a bus or a train, you may find that there isn’t another until the following day! Cars are not a luxury, they’re essential for getting where you need to go when you need to go.

All policies should be rural-proofed; vanity projects like HS2 should be ditched in favour of improving local transport links.

Not being able to see one’s GP means people clog up A&E with the consequence ambulances are not available, hence waiting times are unacceptably long. Change the way GPs are funded to payment by patients seen, not numbers on their list.

Why do you want to be MP for North Shropshire?

I want to offer a chance for people to vote for something different; I stand for sensible, middle-of-the-road policies – small state, low tax, personal responsibility, value for money (the government doesn’t have any money, only taxpayers’ money, and has a responsibility to spend it wisely), support for the family, an energy policy that won’t put the lights out and leave people unable to heat their homes, freedom of speech, managed immigration and above all, an intention to make the most of the opportunities afforded by a real Brexit.

See the other candidates' answers and news on the by-election at