Shropshire Star

Rejoin EU North Shropshire by-election candidate on second jobs and key priorities

Ahead of the North Shropshire by-election on December 16, the Shropshire Star has approached all candidates with a series of questions.

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Drew Galdron, a Boris Johnson impersonator, is standing for the Rejoin EU Party. Image: @RichardHewison

We have asked the candidates the same set of questions on topics including second jobs, priorities and national issues.

This time, it is the turn of Rejoin EU candidate Boris Been-Bunged to answer the questions and tell you what his plans are for North Shropshire.

Will you take any second jobs if you are elected as MP for North Shropshire, and do you believe MPs should be prevented from taking second jobs/consultancy roles?

It is a total disgrace for MPs to have just two jobs, if elected I aim to break the record by having at least 10. And yes, lazy good-for nothing MPs that can only manage two jobs should be out on their ear.

What is the biggest national issue you see affecting the constituency in the coming years?

Clearly the biggest national issue is the right to have Christmas parties, and if elected I will make sure one is held in this constituency every week.

What would you like to achieve in your tenure as MP for North Shropshire?

Record annual personal earnings, clearing GP waiting times by accelerating Covid (see policy on Christmas parties above). ...forgive Brexit done (Carrie - get my advisor to check this still works on them before we go to press).

What do you see as the strengths of the constituency?

The ability of more than 50 per cent of the people to sit on their backsides, and not bother voting allowing me a sleazy way to victory. Can you imagine how hard it would be for people like me to get elected here if people actually cared?

What are the biggest problems facing the constituency and what would you say needs to be done to address them?

You have had nothing but Tories as your MP, so time to clean North Shropshire of all the sleaze: don't vote Tory.

Why do you want to be MP for North Shropshire?

Being MP for North Shropshire is clearly a sleazy route to well-paid consulting jobs. Given the continuing economic disaster of my own Brexit policy, I'm going to need every penny I can grab (and so will you!).

See the other candidates’ answers and news on the by-election at