Shropshire Star

Shropshire firefighters standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine

Firefighters across Shropshire have been asked to look for any spare kit or unused PPE to send to their counterparts in Ukraine.

Last updated
Shropshire firefighters

Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service has already responded to a Home Office call to bring together what they can but they say they are ready to do so again.

The Home Office have asked all fire services to provide support in terms of resources and equipment. The request ranges from aerial ladder platform appliances to firefighters’ shoes.

A spokesperson for the fire service, on behalf of Chief Fire Officer Rod Hammerton and Councillor Eric Carter, who chairs Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority, said: "We have encouraged our staff, serving and retired, to look for any spare kit, so that when the call comes again, we are ready to support in every way we can."

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has also spoken out to express their solidarity, compassion and deepest condolences with the people of Ukraine in their time of need.

A statement read: "We recognise the terrible pressure the people and firefighters of Ukraine are under, enduring attacks on their homes, their liberty and way of life. We have the utmost admiration for the strength, resilience and dignity they have shown in the face of intolerable aggression.

"Our thoughts are with them all and we hope for everyone’s safety there is a return to peace; but until then we will do what we can to support the people of Ukraine in their battle."