Market Drayton 'needs extra facilities to cope with new housing' - campaigners

New schools must be built and a doctor's surgery expanded if Market Drayton is to cope with a major new 160-home development, say campaigners.


Residents in Market Drayton fear the town's existing infrastructure will not be able to cope with the new homes earmarked for off Rush Lane.

It comes as developers, David Wilson Homes, are waiting for final planning approval from Shropshire Council.

Sandra Kiessling, one of those campaigning against the development, said the town's infrastructure would not be able to cope with the extra population the development would bring.

She said: "Before any future developments are allowed to take place, current issues with Market Drayton need to addressed.

"The existing infrastructure is not suitable to cope with the current population, let alone additional residents.

"The pumping stations are overflowing now under the current pressure with residue and organic matter being washed into the streets.

"The schools are overcrowded and close to their maximum capacity.

"Market Drayton Medical Practice is currently serving 17,000 patients and cannot cope satisfactorily with the residents at hand, let along any additional patients."

Resident Laura Jane Nixon-Turner added: "We will need a new infant school, a new junior school, a new floor of doctors at the health centre and more dentists.

"I wouldn't want to buy a new house in a town that can't offer you any of above."

Campaigners have fought against the plans over fears it could put pressure on the town's medical centre, schools and cause sewage problems.

But Gladman Development Limited was given permission for its proposal by the planning inspectorate.

Now an application for reserved matters, the final step before building can begin, has been submitted by David Wilson Homes to Shropshire Council.

The site proposed for development is greenfield and currently used for grazing.

Alan Rose, land director for David Wilson Homes Mercia said: "We have recently submitted a reserved matters planning application for a development of 162 luxury new homes called Drayton Meadows on land adjacent to the A53 and Rush Lane in Market Drayton.

"The site already has outline planning consent for 162 properties which was secured by another party in March last year.

"We hope to provide a range of one, two, three, four and five-bedroom homes including 16 affordable properties.

"Construction of a new roundabout and access from the A53 will commence in the autumn with house building starting following receipt of the reserved matters consent.

"We hope to have the first homes ready to move into by next summer.

"This is a prominent and well located site and we look forward to bringing high quality new homes to the area as well as local jobs and other economic benefits."