Shropshire Star

Five new homes plans in Mid Wales village

Five new homes could be built in a Mid Wales village if outline plans are approved by planning officers.


The outline planning application for the five dwellings on land opposite Tithebarn Cottage, Tregynon near Newtown, has this week been lodged by applicants Tyn Y Bryn Farms with Powys County Council.

The application, although only outline at this stage with all matters reserved, comprises of five, four-bedroom detached dwellings, with one of the properties affordable.

The properties will also include car spaces, garages and amenity areas.

Tyn Y Bryn Farms say the development will "make a sustainable contribution" to the choice of housing available in Tregynon.

In a design and access statement, Roger Parry and Partners on behalf of the applicants, said: "The proposed development assists in sustainable development because it is located within the settlement village of Tregynon, which is classed as a large village.

"It is considered that the proposal would not result in an unacceptable adverse impact upon the surrounding landscape, public vantage points, public rights of way or listed buildings.

"Although appearance is reserved, the proposed dwellings' design will provide a high quality, distinctive style with a positive frontage development. The resultant scheme will contribute to the existing village and rural setting, and provide a harmonious layout which will complement the other buildings in the vicinity."

As part of the proposals, new vehicular and pedestrian access to the site is proposed from the B4389 road, and the applicants say existing vehicular movement and parking will be unaffected by the development proposal.

Roger Parry and Partners said although the planned development is located outside the unitary development plan area, the plan itself does state that there may be opportunities for affordable housing adjacent to the settlement boundaries.

The firm added: "While the proposal is a departure from the development plan, the council's current lack of housing land supply carries significant weight in favour of this development and given that the proposal would otherwise comply with the development plan and national planning policies we respectively ask that permission is granted."