Shropshire Star

Decisions put back on Newport developments

Decisions on three housing developments in and around Newport have been put back.

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Members of Telford & Wrekin Council's planning committee said they needed more information on the three applications.

It included controversial plans for 120 homes on green fields which had received more than 100 objections from Newport residents but had been recommended for approval by officers.

The plans for land south of Springfield Industrial Estate in Station Road went before planners at their meeting at the Whitehouse Hotel in Wellington on Wednesday.

But they were put back by members who said more information was needed to make a proper decision.

Councillor Nicola Lowery, ward member for the Ironbridge Gorge, who sits on the planning committee, said: "It was deferred as the ecological information supporting this application is out of date and a repeat survey may be required to ensure conclusions are robust."

Chetwynd Aston and Woodcote Parish Council, Church Aston Parish Council, Newport Town Council, Newport History Society, the Save Newport Campaign, Newport in Bloom, local borough councillors and 107 town residents have all posted objections to the scheme.

The green field site is currently arable land, and many of those objecting to the plans say it should be kept as open land for the enjoyment of the people of Newport.

The plans will now be heard again at a later meeting, once the new surveys have been conducted.

Plans for homes on a former nursery were also put back.

Proposals were also heard at the meeting for the development of 55 on the site of Plough Farm Nursery in Plough Lane, Newport.

But a decision on that scheme was also put back to allow members of the committee to have a site visit, taking a look around the area before they make a final ruling.

The development will likely be heard at the commitee's next meeting.

A proposals for homes in a village near Newport were also deferred at the meeting.

Members of the planning committee said they wanted to look at a potential new access to the site.

The proposal had been put forward for 22 homes off Plantation Road in Tibberton.

But it will now also be decided at a later date.

Councillor Lowery said: "The Tibberton proposal was deferred by members so an alternate access can be explored."