Reduced Oswestry homes plan set for approval
A controversial planning application to build 27 houses near to a former army camp in Oswestry has been recommended for approval.
Chartland Homes had applied to build 30 houses on land near Park Hall, but the application was met with considerable anger by residents.
People living near the proposed development say there will be increased traffic and the build would not fit in with the current design of the existing houses.
Whittington Parish Council rejected the plans and Chartland amended the application to 27 homes, adding a traffic calming measure and reducing the homes accessed from North Drive from 21 to 17.
Last month, project manager Andrew Jones said the scheme could not be reduced further because it would not be economically viable.
He said: "We have addressed concerns in terms of the overall number of cars coming through Park Crescent and introduced traffic calming measures down Park Crescent and North Drive.
"The scheme has got to be economically viable and we think it is very attractive. It was 30 and we've reduced that to 27, which we think is a reasonable balance."
Residents were still unhappy about the amended application.
One said: "Virtually all of the resident's wide ranging concerns related to this planning application have been ignored and all we've been given is a reduction of three houses and a concrete bollard.
"I would also like to express disappointment that a polite approach from a small group of residents to meet with Chartland Homes was rebuffed on the basis that Chartland do not meet with the general public."
The planning officer has said the the houses fit in with the relevant policies, and recommended the development for approval.
The report stated: "The principle for residential development has already been agreed through the allocation of the site and the granting of outline planning consent.
"It is considered by officers that the proposed layout, appearance and landscaping of the scheme will respect the character of the area and not detrimentally impact upon the amenities of any neighbours.
"The proposed accesses will provide safe access for highway users and the scheme includes adequate off street car parking and manoeuvring space."
Officers said the development conforms with Shropshire Council planning policies.