Shropshire Star

Fresh Shrewsbury flats plan may get go-ahead

A controversial Shrewsbury housing development could be one step closer to completion if council planners give the go-ahead to fresh plans for the scheme.


The Saxonby Group previously asked Shropshire Council for permission to build 38 flats on land off Ellesmere Road but was turned down.

The matter was due to go to appeal next month but now the developer has submitted fresh plans to the council's planning committee for 36 flats, in three blocks, and are hopeful they will be successful when they are considered on Thursday.

Previously the scheme had failed to get permission due to the development being on a green field site in the open countryside. It was also felt that the development would 'erode the character of the area' and would appear 'incongruous and intrusive'.

Councillors felt that the proposed development would be an 'over-development' and would be out of keeping with the surrounding area.

But now officers are recommending that the scheme gets approval after the developer made a number of alterations to the plans.

These included reducing the number of flats. A nearby pool would be retained.


Objections have been received including one from the the councillor for the Bagley ward, Alexander Phillips. He said: "Though there has been some moderate changes to the frontage of this application, the renewed application is hardly any different in terms of density.

"Therefore my objections on the grounds of density, plus other issues including pressure on services, infrastructure, including roads/traffic and the environment still stand."

Case officer Kelvin Hall said: "Although the application does not entirely mitigate for the matters raised in refusal reasons this new application goes some way to addressing these matters and additional evidence from the applicant may further weigh in favour of this revised development proposal.

"It is therefore appropriate to re-assess the principle of residential development on this land in relation to the revised development proposed.

"The application seeks to address the reasons for refusal of a previous application for residential development on this site off Ellesmere Road. Officers consider that the site lies within a highly sustainable location.

"It is bordered on all sides by residential development, much of which has been developed recently. It is not considered that the proposal would result in significant harm to the local area and it would provide a number of benefits.

"As such, subject to the imposition of conditions and to the completion of a Section 106 agreement to provide financial contributions towards highway improvements, and affordable housing, it is recommended that planning permission is granted."