Shropshire Star

Building can finally resume on Oswestry bomb finds site

Work is set to fully resume on an Oswestry building site where two bomb shells were found, after experts gave the all clear.


Residents in the Park Hall area of the town were left shocked when two bomb shells were found on land off Artillery Road in the space of two weeks earlier this year.

It is on the site where Chartland Homes are building houses, and is a former army camp.

Since early August, a specialist explosive disposal company has been surveying the area of the site where the finds were made.

They have now concluded their investigation, and work can fully begin on the site.

Construction workers found the shell while digging on the site in Park Hall

Some work has been continuing on other parts of the site while investigation work has taken place.

Andrew Jones, project manager said it will push back the time it takes to complete the building work, but that all construction can soon resume.

He said: "They have concluded their investigations and last week we were given clearance on the area.

"They did make some discoveries, but they were able to deal with them themselves.

"Now we have been given the all clear so we just need to complete all the paperwork, which could take a couple of weeks then work can resume on the area."


Nearby residents, who called for the area not to be built on during the planning stage, vented their frustration after the two bomb shell finds.

Last month an Oswestry man, who worked as a contractor for the MOD said a number of materials from the site were buried underground, including asbestos.

Mr Jones confirmed that samples of the ground have now been sent off for asbestos testing.

He said: "We were made aware of possible asbestos by a resident, and we are carrying out some tests on the ground.

"The samples have been sent off and we are just waiting for them to be sent back."