Talks pause on retirement homes plan for old Bridgnorth builders’ yard
Planners in Bridgnorth have given cautious support to new designs to construct 52 retirement homes at the site of a former builders' merchants yard.

A previous application for 50 dwellings at the old William Williams premises was rejected previously and the applicant Churchill Retirement Living is now appealing against that decision.
But at a meeting on Monday councillors at Bridgnorth Town Council planning committee agreed to postpone any discussion about the appeal case until its next full council meeting on April 16.
The committee instead debated the latest application for the Innage Lane property about which they said they had a list of concerns relating to security at the premises and the details of the new scheme.

Morfe ward representative Councillor Clive Dyson said: "We are supportive of the development, but we consider that the current proposal constitutes over development of the site.
"We are also concerned about a reference to a third party interest in an adjoining piece of land. We want to know what the third party land is for."
But Castle ward representative Councillor Sarah Barlow told the meeting: "We do not need any more retirement buildings in the town. There are too many as it is.
"We have enough. This is a heritage site in my view.
"If it was flattened and converted to car parking use that would resolved our issues with the Old Smithfield site."
Biridgnorth East representative Councillor Kirstie Hurst-Knight said: "I have got a lot of concerns about the site as it is now. Something meeds to be done about it. I'm getting a lot of complaints from residents.
"There was a fire at the house and we think it was caused by children. There is also evidence of drug taking and alcohol use. The security company has been contacted and they say they will come to repair a gaping hole giving access to the site."
The members agreed Councillor Dyson's resolution on the matter.