Market Drayton restaurant plans set to be rejected
Councillors will be asked to turn down a controversial bid to build a restaurant at a town's business park.
A report before Shropshire Council's north planning committee will recommend refusing the outline application for a new eatery at the entrance to the Tern Valley Business Park on the western edge of Market Drayton.
Developer Redstart said that continued development at the site would bring more jobs to the town.
But several people wrote in to the county council to object, Mr David Jones writing: "We are already subject to high levels of noise from cars and motorcycles on Shrewsbury Road and the A53. A fast food outlet will only add to this.
"If it has extended or 24 hour opening hours the noise may become intolerable particularly in summer months when residents have windows open. Noise of car doors being slammed, music and boisterous behaviour will add to the misery."
Miss Shani Fisher wrote: "This will sit in close proximity to Damson Wood, which is an area of outstanding natural beauty and highly used by members of the public.
"The proposed site onto the business park, will bring an increase of traffic to Shrewsbury Road. This road is regularly used by all motor vehicles including HGVs. Vehicles use this busy road as an entrance and exit point for Market Drayton and is used to go onto and off the A53.
"Many pedestrians use Shrewsbury Road to cross over to walk into Damson Woods. At present, pedestrians crossing the road are taking their lives into their own hands because it's dangerous, even more prevalent as the town has grown larger with the recent developments.
"Many motorists do not stick to the 30mph speed limit as it is. To introduce even more vehicles to the site is an accident waiting to happen, whether this will be an accident with vehicles, pedestrians, pets and/or wildlife."
Shropshire Council will decide the fate of the application at a meeting next Tuesday. A report before them by officers said: "There is no objection in principle to the development of the application site. However, insufficient information has been submitted with the application to demonstrate that the proposal will not have a detrimental impact on this visually important site which provides a green entrance to the Business Park.
"Furthermore there insufficient detail to be able to assess fully the impact of the development on traffic movement, the ecology and biodiversity of the area, and the residential amenities of properties within the surrounding area.
"While the principal of the development in in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and [Shropshire Local Development Framework], on balance this is outweighed by the potential detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the area, residential amenity, highways and the landscaping of the site."