Shropshire Star

Work progressing on Shrewsbury house at risk of collapse

Work to protect the public and neighbouring properties from a privately-owned house at risk of collapse in Shrewsbury is continuing at pace.

Last updated
110 St Michael's Street in Shrewsbury is at risk of collapse

Tenants from 110 St Michael’s Street in Shrewsbury were evacuated earlier this month after a resident raised the alarm with Shropshire Council and a structural engineer deemed the property a danger to the public.

The council says it is working with the owner to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

The property comprises a large town house located within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area, which the council understands was built as an integral part of the adjoining terrace in the 1850s.

The council says demolition may be the only option available and officers are liaising with specialists to put in place temporary but safe measures which would allow a controlled demolition.

Fencing has been moved a further two to three metres away from the building to prevent pedestrians using the pavement and to protect two telecoms/broadband boxes.


A new footpath has been constructed across a grass verge and boarding to the front of the property has been completed.

Work undertaken to vacate and safely secure the neighbouring properties has included disconnecting the gas supply.

It is anticipated that the work will take up to 14 days to complete and a section of St Michael’s Street (A5191) between the Flaxmill roundabout to New Park Road will be closed to through traffic in this time.

Sultan Road and New Park Road, while remaining open, are likely to be very busy and drivers are being urged to avoid using these roads if possible.

Alternative routes for through traffic have been signposted via (out of town) Coton Hill and Ellesmere Rd and (into town) via Telford Way, Pritchard Way, Bage Way and Old Potts Way.

People visiting the town centre are also encouraged to use the park and ride or other alternative bus services.

There will still be access for anyone needing to get to their home or business along St Michael’s Street for the period of the closure.