Shropshire Star

Company appointed to lead the way on Shrewsbury redevelopment

Specialists have been appointed to spearhead a project regenerating key parts of Shrewsbury town centre.

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A new bridge is part of the plans for Shrewsbury's Riverside

Shropshire Council has confirmed the appointment of RivingtonHark to lead the regeneration of Riverside and Smithfield areas in Shrewsbury, which include the Riverside and Pride Hill shopping centres.

RivingtonHark, who led the development of Chester Northgate including the new and acclaimed Chester Market, will be leading the project that aims to reconnect the two areas to the wider town centre.

Shropshire Council say it is hoped that the project will unlock the River Severn as a focal point of the town, whilst maintaining the natural beauty, architectural history, and heritage the town has to offer.

RivingtonHark will be responsible for coordinating each phase of the development which includes planning applications, design, operations and logistics, and commercial liaison – all of which are subject to approval and scrutiny procedures.

Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place, Spencer Winter, Projects Director RivingtonHark, Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council, Dean Carroll, Cabinet member for growth and regeneration, David Lewis, Executive Director RivingtonHark, Andrew Goodwin, Projects Director RivingtonHark

Lezley Picton, leader of Shropshire Council said: “This is an exciting and pivotal moment for Shrewsbury town. Following a rigorous and competitive process, RivingtonHark will take the reins on transforming an area in Shrewsbury town centre which has immeasurable potential.

"This is just one of many steps part of a long-term strategic vision to make Shrewsbury town centre a unique and vibrant destination for all.”

David Lewis, executive director at RivingtonHark, said they were delighted to have been selected by the council to lead the project.

He said: "Shrewsbury is a beautiful town with many great attributes and this site represents a major opportunity to add to the overall attraction of the town.

"We very much look forward to engaging with stakeholders soon, as we progress and evolve the proposals. Projects like this in towns like Shrewsbury is what we do, it is what we live for, and we cannot wait to get fully immersed.”